ROK Veterans Affairs Minister Praised the “noble sacrifice” of the veterans;US General B.B. Bell calls for unified Korea

Hundreds Gather to Honor Korean War Veterans

LOS ANGELES, CA, October 15, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — MacArthur Park in downtown Los Angeles was filled with Korean War veterans Saturday morning as the US & Korea Alliance Association gathered international and American leaders to honor the sacred contribution made by those veterans nearly 60 years ago.

“Korea exists today because of the sacrifice made by these veterans,” said Republic of Korea Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Sung Choon Park in front of the General Douglas MacArthur memorial.

Both American and Korean veterans of the war were on hand, all of whom were proud of their accomplishments and acutely aware of its importance.

“Because you fought for freedom and justice, Korea is now a beacon of democracy,” said Former Republic of Korea Prime Minister Un-Chan Chung.

United States Army General B. B. Bell, former Commander, UNC / CFC / USFK was particularly poignant, talking of a promise he made to his Korean born adoptive granddaughter Jin Hui Bell.

“I promised her that we will together walk across the DMZ in a unified Korea,” Bell said.  “This will happen in my lifetime!”

The solemnity of the occasion was punctuated by the moving performance of the Global Messiah Women’s Choir and the Children’s Choir, who performed in the stately lobby of the Park Plaza Hotel (host of the event) and by the rousing performance of the The Third Marine Aircraft Wing Band, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, CA, both at the memorial and inside the hotel.

Approximately 2000 veterans and family members, and dignitaries made up the crowd in the park and inside the hotel Saturday morning, all of whom were appreciative of the event and thankful for the support and that their efforts are still honored.

“Our nation only exists as a free society because of the sacrifices made by American military personnel and we must honor that sacrifice made more than 60 years ago,” said Alliance President Dr. Chuck Rheem.  “Commemorating the selfless and valiant acts of courage performed by American veterans is both a way to say ‘thank you’ and to draw our two nations even more closely together.”

For more information on the Alliance, please visit our website

Media Contact:

Thomas Buckley
[email protected]


The alliance between USA & Korea is based on the Mutual Defense Treaty between the Republic of Korea and the United States of America, which reflects the First President Syngman Rhee’s strong determination to secure U.S. guarantees against the threat of a renewed invasion from North Korea, both before and after the signing of the Armistice Agreement on July 27, 1953, that ended the Korean War. Over time, the Mutual Defense Treaty evolved into the Korea-U.S. alliance, giving birth to the Combined Forces Command, which has since been the cornerstone of security on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia.